неделя, 17 октомври 2010 г.

Podnutz laptop repair videos

Are you looking for tech support to fix your laptop? There are many renowned computer repair companies who will help you to resolve your problem. You can also try on your own but fixing a laptop is not as easy as fixing a desktop pc. You can read some information but it's always better if you see the process yorself. That is how I stumbled across Podnutz.com. Here is some information on podnutz:

Podnutz.com is a Tech Podcast Network created and hosted by Steve Cherubino. Founded in February 2008 it is becoming one of the most popular resources for computer repair. Shows of the network include "My Hard Drive Died", "DIY Computer Repair Podcast", and "The Great Tech Debate" to name a few.
The site was designed to be a resource for those interested in fixing computers to come and learn a thing or two. By listening to all the episodes on the site, you could easiy triple your computer repair knowledge.

The site also has a forum which is a place with lots of useful information where you can find answers to your questions from people with experience.

The videos are not free but as the autors of the site state:
Funds from the sale of these videos go in part to maintaining Podnutz.com and ensuring its continued expansion

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